Showing posts with label New York Mets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Mets. Show all posts

Saturday, January 24, 2009

thought dream 012109

Excuse the mess.
Excuse the miss.
Excuse the mist.
Excuse the most.
Excuse the lost.
Excuse the list.
Excuse the lust.
Excuse the bust.
Excuse the best.
Excuse the beat
Excuse the bear.
Excuse the beer.
Excuse the seer.
Excuse the seen.
Excuse the seem.
Excuse the stem.
Excuse the step.
Excuse the stop.
Excuse the slop.
Excuse the slip.
Excuse the clip.
Excuse the clap.
Excuse the clam.
Excuse the clan.
Excuse the plan.
Excuse the flan.
Excuse the flap.
Excuse the flat.
Excuse the slat.
Excuse the seat.
Excuse the meat.
Excuse the melt.
Excuse the belt.
Excuse the bell.
Excuse the bill.
Excuse the bile.
Excuse the bite.
Excuse the bits.
Excuse the bets.
Excuse the Mets.
Excuse the mess.

Excuse this wayward journey back to the point where I began.